Tableland Launches Support for Arbitrum Nova

Tableland is thrilled to announce support for Abritrum Nova, enabling decentralized games and social media platforms with the tools to create advanced, web3 native experiences in a highly efficient and secure way.

Blockchain technology has introduced game-changing primitives, but high gas fees and latency in blockchain-based dapps pose challenges for mass adoption. To solve this, Tableland has created a decentralized web3 native SQL database, enabling builders to create advanced web3 experiences. We're excited to launch support for Arbitrum Nova, unlocking ultra low-cost transactions with strong security guarantees for users to interact with their favorite dapps and games with ease.

Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain Games

Blockchain games introduce new experiences for gamers, with capabilities such as digital ownership via playable NFTs, incentivized play through in-game tokens, and composable experiences among adjacent games and communities. However, for these web3 native experiences to be feasible and scalable, players need to interact with them in a secure and cost-effective manner.

Nova offers developers an efficient way to take advantage of blockchain technology, while Tableland's database enhances these efficiencies further. Plus, Tableland enables data to be indexed and queryable in a network of open, relational tables, and introduces mutable metadata so that developers can create more advanced experiences for users in efficient ways. Since tables are openly readable and programmable by default, Tableland also enables composability. Simply put, composability in web3 commonly refers to projects or code building on top of other projects or code.

For project founders, what this offers is a web3 native way to create advanced, engaging experiences for your users. Here are some gaming examples:

  • Dynamic, Playable NFTs

    • Use Tableland to track in-game achievements, and update player owned NFTs as a result. For example, a player can unlock the ability to customize the look and capabilities of their in-game NFT by reaching certain milestones, giving their NFT more value and utility and thus incentivizing a player to reach new milestones and continue playing the game.

  • Composable Experiences

    • Game creators can build experiences tailored to players from outside games and ecosystems, and create a connection for these players to their game. For example, say a player has earned a gold cap in game #1, and has added that gold cap to their in-game NFT. Game #2 could allow players with a gold cap to have special access to their game, and could even allow players to equip an NFT in game #2 with a trait from game #1, creating an upgraded version of the game NFT that unlocks certain advantages, special content, and more. Tableland provides the infrastructure to make such an open and composable gaming experience a reality.

  • Game Community Interoperability

    • Tableland’s decentralized network of SQL databases updates based on data passed through the host chain, but sits on its own network of validators. This means that a game that builds on Arbitrum Nova could easily create a global leaderboard of its players’ achievements in Tableland, and that leaderboard could be read by dapps on any other supported blockchain. This creates a highly efficient way to build a gaming experience that doesn’t live in a silo, so outside communities and games could decide to read a leaderboard table and reward players that meet a certain criteria of achievement in a dapp experience built on any other chain.

Of course, these use cases are just scratching the surface, and we’re excited to see what builders and founders dream up. Click here to explore more gaming use cases, and check out this blog post for more technical details about building with Arbitrum Nova and Tableland.

Exploring Ownership Models for Social Media

Blockchain technology enables provable ownership of digital assets and is sparking experimentation with decentralized social media models. However, to drive adoption of new social media dapps, it's crucial to have ultra-low transaction fees, strong security, and appealing features and incentive models. By combining Arbitrum Nova and Tableland, developers can achieve a balance of security, speed, and efficiency, while unlocking the benefits of the web3 ecosystem.

If you’re a founder building a web3 social media dapp you’ve likely explored concepts around giving creators ownership of the content they create and share, removing silos between social media platforms and new incentive models to drive meaningful engagement. Here are a couple example use cases that can be unlocked with Tableland:

  • Opening Creator Content to Multiple Platforms & Dapps

    • Creators should have complete control over their content. With Tableland's open database, they can store, query, and retrieve contents or records of files from any storage system and post it to any platform they choose. Access control can also be defined based on a creator's wallet address or owned NFTs to enhance this experience further.

  • Universal Reputation Tracking

    • Centralized platforms make it impossible for a user to transfer their reputation to new platforms. With Tableland, reputation earned in one platform can be stored in an open database that can be viewed and queried by outside platforms and projects. With Nova as a base chain, updating reputation data on these tables would be highly efficient, removing a common barrier to adoption of blockchain based open data structures.

Let’s Build the Future of Web3

We’re excited to be working alongside the team and community at Arbitrum to bring founders and developers the tools and inspiration they need to unlock the next wave of innovation in web3. If you’re a founder or developer exploring web3, we’d love to hear about what you’re creating and find ways to help bring your vision to life. Please click here to schedule a call with our head of partnerships, and be sure to join Arbitrum’s community call on April 12th at 1:30pm hosted on their Twitter account, where Tableland will be available to answer all your questions live.

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