Tableland Newsletter 002

The Tableland Newsletter

Updates from Tableland, the decentralized database built on the SQLite engine with APIs for relational data and SQL. This is the second edition of the Tableland Newsletter which covers important announcements, protocol upgrades, and upcoming events.

We raised $8 million in series A funding. Read about it here.

Roadmap for the next 12+ months. We are currently deployed to multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism. We are now working on a deployment to Filecoin FVM and planning for additional networks. Tableland Studio will be launching in the coming months, and we’re moving along with the Tableland token. You can sign up for token updates.

Developer experience. To get a feel for the Tableland developer experience, watch our 60 second promo.

Tableland Studio. Studio is a new product to help developers collaborate on projects, connect data with smart contracts, and integrate different protocols. Join the Studio waitlist.

Pilot Program. Now accepting submissions for cohort four, partnering with Chairs to offer matched grants for projects built with Tableland. The previous cohort's top projects were DR/VRS and Tablescan. EcoLand and Murmur won the Toucan and Filecoin Chair grants. You can now apply for the next Pilot Program.

New software releases. We ship code every Tuesday. Changes are summarized on Discord and Twitter. Recent ships include new developer docs, new versions of the SDK (v4) and Validator API (v1), implementation of the new EIP-4906, and registry contract support for the Arbitrum Nova blockchain. We also shared a new experiment using Tableland Functions, and published the Awesome Decentralized Database resource.

Rigs community. The community now has Allow List spots for the Ordinals NFT Collection Dream Executable, the inaugural physical issue of the Zora Zine, and Farcaster invites. We integrated Memex with our Discord to create a searchable knowledge base informed by the conversations happening in the community. We also reached new milestones for flight time and piloting: Over 1,500 Rigs are now in-flight—over half of the collection.

Events. The Tableland team will be ETH Austin and Consensus next week. We had a Twitter Spaces with Hideout Labs and friends on The Dynamic Possibilities of WEB3 and on May 5th we’ll be doing an AMA with the Arbitrum community. Our next Town Hall will be on April 24th. More info is here.

We are hiring. We are hiring a head of product design—help us spread the word.

Final notes. If you have any feedback, ideas, or opportunities to explore with us, reach out on Discord. Or you can always book time with Tableland co-founder Andrew Hill to chat about all things Tableland. Thank you for being on this journey with us - Onward!

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