Weeknotes — October 5, 2023

A weekly digest of progress, updates, and insights from Tableland.

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FILDEV Iceland

by Andrew Hill

I spent last week at FILDEV Iceland where I was mostly on a fact-finding mission to learn the latest on IPC developments, use-cases, and roadmap. There were a few projects worth sharing:

  • Filecoin Subnets are envisioned to facilitate regional integration, allowing localized subnets to contribute storage power and comply with unique operational mandates, like local certifications. I believe the estimate was that basic (FEVM smart contract actors) subnet support was coming this month and Fendermint support by end of Oct. I've still got questions around usability of storage to store the state of a subnet...

  • Saturn is going to be generally available soon. This is pretty neat and worth keeping an eye on for millisecond data availability on a decentralized protocol.

  • I learned a lot about Lilypad (network for model inference). They are designing for IPC also and have some interesting data requirements where I could see potential collabs in the future.

  • I hadn't spotted Granite before, aimed at fast finality on Filecoin. This is def a big pain point and outright blocker for some projects and solutions on Filecoin.

Product Design Strategy with the Atomic UX framework

by Jim Kosem

This week, as part of the start of the Product Design Strategy, I’ve begun exploring the Atomic UX Research framework. As Textile begins to implement user-centered design and design thinking, it is important to begin to think about how to establish a strategy horizon. This is especially the case in terms of having disparate engagement inputs in terms of community, partnerships and growth.

Atomic UX is a method to not just organise research knowledge, but an approach to move from experiments to facts to insights and then finally to recommendations. Whilst being similar to classic double diamond design thinking in approach, it is different in that it seeks to link these with establishing pattern finding in research inputs. It’s still early days in exploring this, but it does seem to require establishing and maintaining a tag and/or categorisation taxonomy from the get go. All in all, Atomic UX Research is a relatively new approach but potentially powerful for a technical research led organisation such as Textile, and could potentially be used to find links between technology and user research.

Open Data Hack rounding up & ETHOnline begins with the Studio launch

by Dan Buchholz

Tableland was a sponsor at the Open Data Hack, hosted by Encode and Filecoin. The theme was data-oriented, so we laid out a few prizes that highlighted how developers can use Tableland. The prize focus was on building a dataset/index with write access permissions to allow external collaborators to add to the index or similar, and a bonus for also using compute-over-data.

Judging started on Sept. 27th and finishes up on Oct. 6th. There will be a finale event on Oct. 12th where we'll announce the winners of the first place (1k USDC), runner up (500 USDC), and a pool prize split between the remaining top projects (1000 USDC).

Coincidentally, our next hackathon is ETHGlobal's ETHOnline, which starts on Oct. 6th and goes until Oct. 27th—the day this judging ends! Tableland will have sponsoring the Bronze tier there and have 5000 USDC out for bounties that include using our new Studio web app and our (alpha) Tableland Basin protocol for data streaming. Keep an eye out for further announcements!

New Tableland Basin feature

by Bruno Calza

We finished the development of a new command that allows Basin users to list publications from a given address. Essentially, after the new release users should be able to execute:

basin publication list --address [ETH_ADDRESS]

and get a list of publications. With those publications in hand, the user will be able to fetch information from deals, and eventually retrieve them.

Partnering to Create Data Workflows for DePINs

by Marla Natoli

  • We've been exploring product related partnerships that aspire to combine verifiable data streaming services with a Tableland caching layer to enable high-availability reads. This can be useful for things like real-time dispute resolution or immediate verification.

  • This week, we had one potential partner share their enthusiasm about this potential solution and the benefits it could drive, saying "we're fired up about it."

Ecosystem Spotlight

by Marla Natoli

There are a couple DePIN projects we uncovered in our ecosystem research. We haven’t established anything with these but figured the use cases were interesting enough to share with the broader community!

  • Eloop is based in Vienna and offers tokenized car sharing and car subscriptions, where users purchase a token representing a vehicle (or part of a vehicle) in a fleet that is available for rent. The profit made from the car sharing service is then split 50/50 between Eloop and token holders.

  • GEODNET is a DePIN that mines satellite navigation signals to form a real-time data source. Real-time Space Weather data can help us monitor air quality, sea levels, predict earthquakes, and power a host of IT services from nano-second timing to millimeter accurate position measurements. After registration on the network, a qualified miner node will be monitored by the Proof of Accuracy system, and miners will be rewarded proportional to their data quality and uniqueness of location.

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Want to dive deeper, ask questions, or just nerd out with us? Jump into our weekly research office hours. Or, for hands-on technical support, you can join our weekly developer office hours.

And if you’d like to discuss any of these topics in more detail, comment on the issue over in GitHub!

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