Weeknotes: Deprecating Optimism Goerli, WeatherXM daily data for device data & rewards, DePIN corner with EnviroBloq, & designing with agency

Read up on the new Optimism Sepolia testnet support, WeatherXM going live with daily data on Textile Basin, a review of EnviroBloq, and designing with agency.

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Dropping Optimism Goerli support

by Dan Buchholz

Optimism Goerli is officially deprecated, and we deployed Tableland contracts to the new testnet chain Optimism Sepolia. You can find all of the details for how to use the testnet on our docs site: here. TL;DR:

WeatherXM is now pushing daily data

by Dan Buchholz

We've been working closely with the WeatherXM team for months on designing a data storage system that fits particularly well with DePIN data storage & retrieval. Recently, WeatherXM started pushing data to Textile Basin daily (~200 MiB per day)!

WeatherXM device data is made available for data consumers through hot + cold storage replication, and this data is used today in a dashboard available at https://index.weatherxm.network. You’ll notice two tabs on that page:

  • Weather Data: Device data located in the Textile vault wxm.weather_data_dev

  • Rewards: Calculations over the device data, located in the Textile vault wxm.rewards_merkle_trees_dev

We also built a demonstration of how anyone can use this data within their projects. We have APIs that let you extract the data from the cache or cold storage, or you can take the "event" CID and download the data directly from IPFS.

If you want to learn more, we published a blog post on Mirror that goes into this in detail: here

DePIN Corner: EnviroBloq

by Marla Natoli

We had the pleasure of meeting one of the founders of EnviroBloq at EthDenver this year. EnviroBloq is helping people monitor the health & efficiency of their homes, with a vision to pull in data points from existing smart home sensors and combine this with data from EnviroBloq sensors. Collecting this information and making the trends and outcomes easily readable is valuable to individuals for things like mould prevention & detection, HVAC efficiency and maintenance, and more. Of course, pooling this data across many users and making it public can be incredibly valuable for maximizing home efficiency and offering transparency to potential home buyers. For example, you could compare the effectiveness of higher-efficiency HVAC systems by comparing utility bills for homes with similar characteristics. EnviroBloq participants could opt-in to share their data with 3rd parties that offer deals and offers to upgrade HVAC systems for savings.

At Textile, the tools we’re building could help a project like EnviroBloq make data openly available via decentralized storage so community members can build useful visualization tools on the data, creating value for EnviroBloq users. We also envision a future where data from EnviroBloq users could be pooled with other data sources easily, making all data more valuable, while giving users control over who can access their data.

If you’re looking for solutions to enable collaboration over your datasets, we’d love to hear from you. Set up some time to discuss your use case here or join our Discord and get in touch.

Giving customers agency

by Jim Kosem

As designers generally work on things that don’t yet exist, how design fits into a company often depends on the product strategy. There are many ways to discover and adapt product strategy and one of these is the often unjustly maligned market research survey. We’ve all gotten the emails, the nags, the pop-ups and promptly closed or deleted them. Whether they be for a theme park you went to six years ago that you somehow can’t bear to unsubscribe to, or software you actually use, most don’t pay much attention to them.

Yet, they still exist, and according to Delighted, 20% respond to them. Why? The answer is agency. All humans like to feel like they have a voice and customers, whether for tacos or enterprise software are no different. They can serve as an excellent way to inform what people want, though, and this is probably the most important part of the design process. So why not get involved? As designers, we’re taught to empathize, and this is just yet one more way we can.

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