Weeknotes: Forking with Local Tableland, the Proof of Data summit, & more

Use Local Tableland with forked chain & table state, check out our ETHDenver Proof of Data summit, read about WiFi Map in our DePIN corner, and think about how to design for user alignment.

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Local Tableland forks

by Joe Wagner

The @tableland/local npm package is a set of tools that provide developers with a lightweight development and testing environment for running a Tableland network in a sandbox.

A Tableland network is fundamentally made up of two parts:

  • A set of EVM-compatible blockchains with the Tableland Registry contract deployed to each chain.

  • A Tableland Validator node. A Validator listens to events emitted from all of the chains and materializes the tables from the event data. A Validator then exposes API endpoints that can be used to read the current materialized state.

If you are interested in running a full node, get ahold of the core team on Discord.

Before the recent release of version 2.4.0, Local tableland started a standalone Hardhat node and a Validator pointing at that node. The Hardhat node starts at block 0 and you have a completely empty state for all of your Local Tableland network. This allows you to run tests, experiment with other tools in the Tableland ecosystem, and so on…

This has all worked well, but for more complicated testing scenarios this could require you to deploy your own tables, populate existing data into tables, and potentially deploy the contracts your project relies on.

/imagine “forking state in Tableland”

After the release of version 2.4.0, you can now start Local Tableland with a Hardhat node that is forked off of one of the Tableland public blockchains. For example, if you have a mainnet project that relies on mainnet Tableland data and your own contracts, and you want to build and test a data migration. You can use a forked version of all of the mainnet state to run automated tests—here’s a quick example of how it works:

describe("fork", function () { this.timeout(30000); const lt = new LocalTableland({ silent: false, forkUrl: "https://polygon-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/<your_alchemy_api_key>", forkBlockNumber: "53200000", // Block to fork at forkChainId: "137", // Chain ID for the `forkUrl` }); const [, signer] = getAccounts(lt); const db = getDatabase(signer); before(async function () { // Depending on the chain, this could take a while—adjust timeout // for startup, in case it's longer than the top-level timeout this.timeout(90000); await lt.start(); // After calling `start`, forked chain data must be materialized—you // must set this timeout to wait until all state is materialized await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => { resolve(undefined); }, 60000) ); }); after(async function () { await lt.shutdown(); }); // Tests here... });

Unlocking the Potential of Data: The Genesis of the Proof of Data Summit

by Brian Hoffstein

In the grand tapestry of our world, especially as the virtual realm becomes increasingly intertwined with our daily existence, data stands as the quintessential thread weaving together the myriad aspects of our lives. At Textile and Tableland, our fascination with data extends beyond its mere existence: we honor it as the lifeblood of innovation and collaboration, catalyzing collective progress. This appreciation for data and its potential propels us on our mission to fortify its storage, verification, and management capabilities. We envision a world where enhanced data functionalities fuel individual creativity, amplify our collective intelligence, and enrich communities on a global scale.

The advent of crypto and web3 marks a pivotal shift in humanity’s approach to data. These technologies herald a new paradigm for interconnected data ecosystems by dismantling legacy barriers to nurture an unprecedented level of collaborative innovation. While the DeFi services spearheaded by Bitcoin have captured the world's attention, they merely scratch the surface of what's possible. We stand on the brink of a Cambrian explosion of innovation, where data becomes the nucleus around which new forms of cooperation and creativity coalesce.

It is within this context that the Proof of Data Summit emerges. In collaboration with our partners at Ceramic Network, we're proud to host this seminal event at ETH Denver on March 1st. The Summit is envisioned as a beacon for the upcoming data-driven renaissance, powered by the revolutionary force of decentralized technology. It promises to be a nexus for the thinkers, builders, innovators, and trailblazers who are forging the interconnected fabric of our digital and physical worlds. Concentrating on decentralized AI and distributed computing, Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN), along with reputation and identity, the Summit stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that unfold when we harness the entirety of data's capabilities to spark transformative innovations. Together, we will confront the challenges, demystify the unknowns, and leverage the dynamic power of technology to craft a future that resonates with our highest aspirations.

To experience the summit firsthand at the Denver Art Museum or to join the live stream from anywhere in the world, visit https://proofofdata.love. There you'll find all the information you need to register and be part of this groundbreaking event. Whether in person or online, we're bringing the future of data to you!

DePIN Corner: WiFi Map

by Marla Natoli

WiFi Map is building a global wireless network and has been incredibly successful in onboarding users via a simple-to-use mobile app. They’ve recently shared that their community of app users has grown to 170 million, an incredible accomplishment. While there are many moving pieces, we love to see the alignment of incentives which is encouraging users to provide valuable information and allows users to access valuable services.

Beyond learning where to access wifi across the globe, WiFi Map’s community of users is providing accurate and up-to-date point of interest (POI) data often used for mapping services. This type of data is being created daily by DePIN projects, and we are really excited to witness how decentralized organizations are rethinking data ownership and value transfer. This is the driving force behind our recent work with Basin, where we’re building decentralized tools to enable anyone to efficiently manage, aggregate, connect, and monetize data with decentralized object storage. Our vision is to set new standards in data usability and liquidity, and we believe DePINs like WiFi Map are poised to lead the way in unlocking tremendous value by opening up data so an active community of contributors can create valuable experiences on top of that data.

Want to explore ways to decentralize your data and open it up for greater collaboration or transparency? Set up some time to discuss here.

Co-creation in design and alignment means starting with empathy

by Jim Kosem

Part of the process I try to work with as much as possible with organizations is consensus building. A lot of times this means workshops which all too often translates to post-its on walls, whether virtual or otherwise. At this moment in time, while slightly cliched, it is still a good mechanism to get people with one another to visualize ideas in one place and get it all down on paper so to speak.

Recently, I conducted an alignment exercise to try the same, but I think I wasn’t as clear as I could have been on the intent, and then I found myself explaining why I thought we should do this several times. Meaning it wasn’t exactly working. Basically, I was missing the instructional bit of the design of the exercise which was a good but a little bit hard of a lesson. Propose a thing but be clear about intent. This is something we as designers miss all too often. We assume it’s clear, because that is the job of design, to make things clear. But what is clear in situations like this, is that we need to go back to the tool empathy and understanding not just users, but our colleagues.

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Want to dive deeper, ask questions, or just nerd out with us? Jump into our Telegram or Discord—including weekly research office hours or developer office hours. And if you’d like to discuss any of these topics in more detail, comment on the issue over in GitHub!

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